How to Keep Your House Clean and Hygienic Every Day?

How to Keep Your House Clean and Hygienic Every Day?

Cleaning the house: this is one thing that nobody really likes to do, but they’re still going to do this anyway. And while cleaning the bathroom is evidently unavoidable — whether you’re living with your roommates, your partner, or alone — what might be adjusted is how long it will take to finish the task, and through what process.

It is entirely plausible that cleaning is not the simplest or most enjoyable job in the world. But it’s vital to keep your surroundings neat, clean, and sanitary, and when it comes to your own bathroom, it’s twice as valuable. There are microbes and germs in every area of your toilet. Anything could be contaminated from your shower to your doorknob. If the bathroom is not thoroughly cleaned and dry, high humidity and moisture in the bathroom will also add to the development of fungus and bacteria. This can turn into a severe health threat.
It takes just 30 minutes to scrub your bathroom and keep you safe from adverse health conditions.

    Before you begin cleaning the bathroom, keep all the items out of the bathroom, your bathroom should be free from all the clutter, and completely empty. This step won’t take you long; all you need is put all the toiletries in a basket and move them. Make sure you leave nothing behind if you have anything in your bathroom cabinet, empty that as well.
    The very next step is getting rid of the debris. Take a soft cloth and wipe every corner of the bathroom. Grab a duster with a handle long enough to clear spider webs in the edges, doors, or light fittings. Stepladder can be used to reach the webs that are way beyond your grasp. When you’ve completed, brush or clean the surfaces to remove dust and any particles that may have collected here and there in the washroom.

Your bathroom is now ready for rigorous scrubbing.

  • Clean up the shower:
    Spritz some all-purpose cleaning solution on the surfaces of the bathroom and the bathroom faucet. Let it rest for 10 minutes. Wipe off the damp cloth. However, it would be best if you did not use a caustic scrub pad or steel wool because they can have an adverse effect on the surface. If your shower head is blocked with residue created by hard water or soap particles, wrap a plastic bag around your showerhead. Fill the bag with vinegar so that the showerhead may well be fully submerged in it. Secure this with a rubber band. Leave for an hour, and until that, uses a brush to clean the drain holes.  Further, clear the mold spores stains from the shower curtain with a 2/3 water and 1/3 bleach solution. Or you could just wash it with bleach and soap in warm water.
  • Clean the toilet
    Cover the insides of the toilet bowl with a professional cleaning solution or baking soda. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then clean it with a toilet brush and flush. The exterior of the toilet can be washed using an all-purpose cleaning solution. And after every use, clean your toilet brush with detergent and hot water. Or you can hold the brush and put the bleach on the bristles. Wait for 5  minutes, then wash it with water.
  • Clean the floor
    Apart from using a professional all-purpose cleaner, you can use two parts of baking soda and one part of water to make your own floor cleaner. Soak your mop in a container filled with cleaning solution, squeeze out excess water, and then thoroughly clean the floor. Make sure you begin from the farthest corner of the bathroom to avoid stepping on your freshly mopped floors.
  • Clean the mirrors
    Spritz the mirror cleaning solution or the splash some water on the mirror to wipe it dry. Use paper cloth to clean the mirror. If you don’t have a professional cleaning solution, you can use a combination of water and vinegar in equal proportion.
  • Clean the Tiles
    There are a variety of different tile cleaning options to pick from. You can also produce your own by combining two parts of baking soda with a single piece of hydrogen peroxide. This homemade remedy is suitable for delicate or rough tiles. Apply a cleaning solution to all the tiles. Let it sit down for 15 minutes. After that, clean the grout row.  Clean with water. Install the grout seal after a day, if necessary.
  • Disinfect the sink:
    Bathroom sinks are likely to be covered with a lot of gunk, grime, toothpaste, soap, dreadlocks, make – up, and mineral accumulation. Worse still, they often host harmful bacteria and viruses. They’re an essential component of cleaning the bathroom. Here’s how to scrub and clean your bathroom sink:

    • Rinse the sink before the cleaning product is used. Run hot water in the sink and spill the water throughout the surface.
    • Use a warm, wet cotton or dish sponge to scrub the inside of the tub. Seek to wash the dirt and grime off as soon as you can.
    • disinfect the sink with any cleaner for the bathroom. Cover all areas of the sink when cleaning, along with the faucet.
    • Wipe with a fresh cloth.

While it seems a lot of work to clean your bathroom, it is not rocket science if you include it in your regime. It does not take longer than 30 minutes to clean the bathroom properly, and only 10 minutes approximately if you skip to basics. If you do not have a lot of time to spare to deep clean your bathroom every day, you could keep it clean through the following steps.

  • Wipe the high touch surfaces of the bathroom with a damp cloth and disinfect them
  • Clean your toilet bowl every day; make sure you flush the toilet after closing the lid.
  • The bathroom floor must be cleaned every day. You must make sure that there are no dust particles or any kind of residue left on the floor
  • The drains must be cleaned every day. A lot of times, mold and grime get collected in those areas. You must get rid of it and eliminate the chances of bad odors and contaminants in the bathroom.
  • A hot, damp bathroom is the perfect spot for molds to grow. To avoid that, make sure you leave your bathroom dry at all times.

A clean bathroom is one way to keep diseases and infections at bay. Many life-threatening diseases have unclean bathrooms as their sources. Given the current circumstances, it is quite evident that it is the microorganisms and bacteria that are turning into more significant hazards for society. One toilet flush could lead to almost a hundred kinds of contaminants spread in your bathroom. Given the fact you have all kinds of essentials in the bathroom, i.e., from your toothbrush to towels that are prone to getting infected, you must change them on a routine basis to lessen the chances of spreading infections. A quick cleaning procedure can be followed every day, but if you got time in your hands, you could always deep clean your bathroom from time to time. Or you can consult We Clean Bathrooms for the for the same.

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